Mollie Mail

Girl... I made a newsletter

 đź’Ś Mollie Mail đź’Ś

Girl... I Made A Newsletter

✨ January✨

Hello friends, family, and those in between,

After living abroad for almost 6 months (!!!!), I realized how hard it is to keep everyone updated, and I don't think my Instagram story is cutting it anymore.

I am channeling the blogging era of the internet I was too young to appreciate and the least annoying version of Carrie Bradshaw to share my various goings-on with my favorite people.

So, the lesson is: no matter where I am in the world, you WILL be hearing from me.

Please read this with my vocal inflection… it’ll be a lot better

🎀 Mollie’s Monthly Memories🎀

It was hard to narrow down all the silly little things 🤪 that happened this month, but I did my very best.

This month was so busy! I was in New York for the first part, where I became weirdly very into beading. I also got highlights which was pretty exciting.

I brought so much food from NYC that my suitcase was 22 lbs (9 kilos) heavier on my way back to London.

If anyone wants to send me the new aglio o olio seasoning from Trader Joe's or Goldfish, please do.

Sherlock is pictured. Nivi, Dustin, and Nana were present but not pictured.


Rory brought me to my first football game, or footy, as the Brits call it.

Lots of chants, songs, and meat pies. So many angry, drunk British men continually using the word “cunt”. I think this is what Taylor Swift was singing about in her song London Boy.

Arsenal lost:( Rory was more affected by this outcome than I was.

It was (probably) my last first day of classes ever.

Maura, Else, Myra, Emily, and I went out to ramen to honor this event.

This semester, I am taking some very happy and cheerful classes like Gender, Race and Militarization, and Partiarchy and Society.

 đź‡µđź‡¸ âť¤ď¸Ź 

I am also starting my dissertation this semester!!!!! I won't spoil the topic yet, but I will say it is just as upsetting as everything else I do.

I can’t wait to suck the joy out of every room with my knowledge.

I also bought a milk frother and projector this month, and both have increased my life quality.🙏🙏

Wet feet:(

Susana and I went to Hastings!!! Which was exactly what you imagine an English fishman’s town to be. We ate fish and chips (maybe the best I’ve had so far) and touched the ocean. We ended up getting caught in the said ocean and had to buy new socks.

🎀 Mollie’s Mind đźŽ€

idk why i took this but its kinda giving mona lisa???

Real talk time.

Wow queen yes be vulnerable

I have been trying to have a positive outlook this year.

The first semester was tough since I was adjusting to grad-school and living new country. The Brits don’t make it easy by driving on the wrong side of the road and having the worst hairstyles I’ve seen on men.

I have been thinking a lot about the idea of manifestation, and I think if you believe in manifestation, you can’t believe in a jinx, right? Food for thought.

Anyway, I am going to try to do a lot of manifestation. Maybe I'll write “I am the smartest and prettiest in every room” 100 times like the TikTok witches.

I’ll either end up very successful and cool, or I will go full Black Swan crazy.

🍵 Mollie’s Matcha 🍵

Y’all thought I wasn’t gonna do an alliteration with my name and matcha??? My favorite matcha of this month was when Georgie, Eden, and I went to Current Cafe by Liverpool St . The matcha (and pork katsu curry) was great, but the company was better<3

🎀 Mollie’s Music đźŽ€

My most listened-to song this month:

I am really channeling my emo high school era. I WON’T APOLOGIZE.

Thanks for reading.

I miss you all so much,

